Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sequencing the News

In Mrs. Essenburg's Classroom we have been learning how to put events in nonfiction text in sequence.

We have to be thoughtful readers to figure out which events are the important events that go in order and which events to leave out.

And we started thinking...what are some examples in real life of when we list events in order?

We thought of biographies, and time lines, and getting ready for school in the morning.

Photo Credit: jimmiehomeschoolmom via Compfight cc 

Then we thought--News Shows! On the news, the broadcasters have to tell the story of what happened in order. They start with what happened first, and then go in order--what happened next, then, after that, and finally.

So we decided to become newscasters. We went to the website Newsela, which is a News Website for students. We found some interesting stories, and got to work.

We read the stories carefully. Some of the news stories were tricky to put into sequence because they were written in such a way that it was difficult to figure out the order of events.

We used a graphic organizer to help us determine which events we would put on our newscast and which we would leave out.

We wrote down what we would say and practiced.

Then it was time to record. We have a green screen, so we put it up on the wall. 

Take a look at our news stories! 

We have a story about a disagreement between the UK and the United States on who should keep Winnie-the-Pooh.

We have a story about a blind boy named Richie who won a school spelling bee.

This story is about a German soldier who saved about 500 Jews in Nazi Germany.

Here is a story about a 13-year-old boy who invented a printer for the blind..

Finally, these reporters have a science report about why popcorn jumps and pops.

We have one more news report on the way--we ran out of time Friday at the end of the day to get our last group recorded! Check back to see their report. 

We had a great time reading our news stories, finding the important events and putting them in order, and then getting our news reports ready. We hope you enjoyed them! 

It was a lot of fun using our green screen to help us with our reading skills. We hope to use it again in the near future for other learning activities. What would you like to see us use our green screen for next?


  1. Hi Essenclass,

    this is the 4/5 class from Yahl, Australia (Going Global!). The news reports were awesome - a fantastic idea, we only wish we could have heard you a little better.
    In South Australia, our department of education is not keen for us to put our faces on the Internet, so we'd love to make a movie using a green screen, but we wouldn't be able to publish it to our blog.
    Suggestions for future movies using your green screen: a cop chase, or a fractured fairy tale.

    Keep on blogging!
    The 4/5s

  2. Hi Room 15

    This is HG14 here. Your descriptive writing pals. What wonderful news programs you have created. What green screening program do you use?
    We have used Do Ink before but looking for something different.
    Miss Barden and HG14 :)

  3. Hello Miss Barden and HG14,

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting! We used Do Ink as well and as you can see we are new users. It was the first time we'd tried it. We are going to keep working at it and looking around to see what else we can find, but for now that's what we have.


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